Produse pentru lac angro aplicat (16)

Autosol® Polizor Metalic Marin Lichid - AUTOSOL® MARINE CARE

Autosol® Polizor Metalic Marin Lichid - AUTOSOL® MARINE CARE

AUTOSOL® MARINE METAL POLISH LIQUID Maintains, polishes and preserves metals of all kinds. Leaves a brilliant shine and provides long-lasting protection. Especially suitable for large surfaces. Easy to apply and easy to polish. Item number:11 051210
Acoperire pastă pentru finisaj interior - ACOPERIRE NETEDĂ

Acoperire pastă pentru finisaj interior - ACOPERIRE NETEDĂ

TECHNICAL DETAILS Paste coating for a good finish on interior walls and ceilings. Provides excellent surface preparation before painting or hanging coverings. COMPOSITION AND APPEARANCE Emulsion resin, calcium carbonate, rheological agent and various additives. SEMIN ENDUIT DE LISSAGE is a water-based coating. The paste is white in colour. COVERINGS • Wallpaper • Paint • Wall covering SUITABLE SURFACES Interior walls and ceilings • Plasterboards • Plaster tiles • Concrete • Cement coating TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS • Density of paste : 1.9 • Granulometry : fine • pH : 7 Adhesion : complies with NFT 30 608 PACK SIZE 4 and 10 kg buckets on shrink-wrapped pallet. APPLICATION Apply manually using a smoothing trowel or a filling knife. The maximum thickness will be 2 mm per coat. Allow to harden and remove imperfections before sanding, if necessary. Print the SEMIN ENDUIT DE LISSAGE if applying satin-finish or gloss paint. Clean tools in water.
Lac Protector pe Bază de Apă

Lac Protector pe Bază de Apă

Transparent wood preservative, effective against micro organisms, bacteria fungi and algue. It is proposed for the long-time protection of every type of wood. It does not create a film, thus, it does not crack, shell or create a scale. PACKAGE:0,75 LT, 2,5 LT
LAKĂ HIBRIDĂ - Creta acoperită cu tehnologie hibridă poate semăna cu plasticul.

LAKĂ HIBRIDĂ - Creta acoperită cu tehnologie hibridă poate semăna cu plasticul.

On mahdollista sekoittaa kiillehiukkasia lakan kanssa ja levittää ne painettuihin materiaaleihin. Paras visuaalinen vaikutus saavutetaan levittämällä nämä kaksi lakkaa yhdellä kertaa varsinaisen painojäljen painamisen aikana. Drip-off-lakkauksen etuna valikoivaan lakkaukseen, esim. silkkipainoon, verrattuna on se, että täydellinen istuvuus saavutetaan myös hyvin pienissä osissa ja että rasterilakkaus on mahdollista. Yrityksemme käyttämien lakkaustekniikoiden ansiosta saamme aikaan visuaalisesti erittäin houkuttelevia tuotteita, kuten kansioita, esitteitä tai pakkauksia. Ehdotetut efektit: tiputuslakka kiiltävä tiputuslakka mattapintainen lakka, jossa on suuri tai pieni raekoko. Tätä tekniikkaa suositellaan erityisesti kaikenlaisille liidulla painetuille materiaaleille ja metallikalvoilla koristetuille kartongeille.
Fabricarea adezivilor și lipiciurilor - Expertiză

Fabricarea adezivilor și lipiciurilor - Expertiză

Fabrication de colle et adhésifs - Savoir-faire
Culori și Vopsele

Culori și Vopsele

Vor dem Verschönern von Wänden, Decken und anderen Flächen stellt sich zunächst die Frage, welche Materialien benötigt werden. Farbe ist nicht gleich Farbe, denn Farben differieren in der Qualität. Für die Fassade ist es beispielsweise entscheidend, eine Fassadenfarbe zu nehmen, die über lange Zeit gegen Regenwasser, Schmutz und Algen resistent ist. Wir haben selbstverständlich auch bei Innenfarben, Lacken und Grundierungen zahlreiche kostengünstige Qualitäts-Artikel im Sortiment. Dazu zählt auch der vielfältige Malerbedarf für spezielle Zwecke wie Renovierungsarbeiten und Oberflächenbeschichtungen.
Vopsea pentru Lemn Cu Acoperire

Vopsea pentru Lemn Cu Acoperire

Suitable for all wood indoors and outdoors, where particularly durable paint is desired such as wooden facades, balconies, windows and window shutters, fences, pergolas, wooden shingles, garden furniture and garden houses, carports, furniture, etc. Opaque Wood Paint is equally well suited for all types of wood. The product is also ideal for renovating old open-pore paints and weathered wood surfaces. The opaque, open-pore and durable wood coating has proved itself under extreme weather conditions at sea and in the mountains. Opaque Wood Paint is free of biocides and preservatives, which makes it also suitable for indoors. Opaque Wood Paint is of highest caliber and easy to use.
Lacuri și vopsele în dispersie - Dezvoltarea și producția de acoperiri

Lacuri și vopsele în dispersie - Dezvoltarea și producția de acoperiri

Whether highly opaque dispersion paint or diffusion-open silicate paint, synthetic resin lacquers or epoxy resin primers, our experienced employees develop suitable solutions and are at your side with help and advice.
Vopsea lucioasă pentru decorare Kreda Glosser

Vopsea lucioasă pentru decorare Kreda Glosser

Glosser paint is intended for decorating the surface of confectionery and bakery products, desserts, fruits, etc. Gives the surface a glossy mirror finish. Great for highlighting decorative elements, allows you to make accents when decorating the appearance of products. Depending on the number of layers applied, it allows you to adjust the color saturation of the coating.
Aerosol cu Marcă Privată

Aerosol cu Marcă Privată

Werkstatt-Sprays im Firmendesign Hochwertige Chemieprodukte für Ihre Marke.
Adhesiv pe o singură parte pentru PRODUCĂTORII DE PIELĂ

Adhesiv pe o singură parte pentru PRODUCĂTORII DE PIELĂ

One Side Adhesive for LEATHER'S PRODUCERS The NEOPRENE ONE WAY is a plychloroprene adhesive adapt for LEATHER'S PRODUCERS and GIUNETRIA in particular in the case where you want apply the glue only in a side. Used for the construction of insoles in shoes too. It has high viscosity. High bond strength. CHARACTERISTICS : Viscosity : 2800 +/- 100 cPs Opened Time : 30 - 60 Minutes USING INSTRUCTIONS : Apply an homogeneous coat upon one of the two parts has to be sticked, let it dries for at least 10 - 15 minutes and join the two parts with hands, hammer or with a press. To dilute the PRODUCT, use SOLVENT P or SOLVENT M. The products has to be conserved in the original tins well closed and in a cool and dry place. N.B.: All the indications over reported are without obligation and warranty. PACKAGING : Kg 800 - Kg 200 - Kg 40 - Kg 15 - Kg 9 Kg 4 - Kg 1 .
Grăsime lubrifiantă pentru temperaturi ridicate - Caloris MS 23

Grăsime lubrifiantă pentru temperaturi ridicate - Caloris MS 23

Graisse adaptée aux températures élevées, aux basses vitesses, aux charges lourdes et aux risques de chocs. Excellente stabilité mécanique. Excellente résistance aux charges élevées et aux chocs répétés en raison de la présence de bisulfure de molybdène. Très bonnes propriétés antiusure Résistant aux solutions légèrement alcalines et acides. DEMANDES Lubrification de mécanismes à mouvement lent soumis à des températures très élevées et à des chocs répétés. La présence de bisulfure de molybdène garantira une bonne lubrification et évitera tout blocage ou collage. Permet des températures de pointe jusqu'à 220°C, à condition que la période de fonctionnement à cette température soit limitée et que l'équipement soit regraissé fréquemment La Graisse Caloris MS 23 offre la possibilité de travailler dans une atmosphère corrosive grâce à sa résistance aux solutions alcalines et acides douces.
Adhesive și sigilante industriale - Adezivi pe bază de solvenți

Adhesive și sigilante industriale - Adezivi pe bază de solvenți

Alpha manufactures a very wide range of one and two part solvent based adhesives that can be applied by brush, spray system, roller or spreader. Product bases include Neoprene, Polyurethane, Nitrile, SBR & Natural Rubber. Many products offer resistance to wide temperature ranges as well as giving high bond strengths and varying open times. A number of products such as S889, S5001, SN1314, S708, DP2205 are also MOD approved. ** Ask for a quote **
Ceară Neagră - Ceară Depilatoare Fără Benzi

Ceară Neagră - Ceară Depilatoare Fără Benzi

Elastique BLACK WAX è una speciale miscela di resine vegetali COLOPHONIUM FREE arricchita con cera d’api e burro di karité, studiata per garantire un risultato eccellente con tutti i tipi di pelo ed una delicatezza impareggiabile su ogni tipo di pelle. Il prodotto è estremamente versatile in quanto è facilmente utilizzabile sia su piccole parti che su zone ampie. Senza strisce, pratica e veloce. Richiede manualità. Rimuove efficacemente i peli indesiderati di: Baffetti Sopracciglia Naso Orecchi Definizione barba Ascelle Bikini Addome Torace Schiena Braccia Gambe Il basso punto di fusione di BLACK WAX garantisce un elevato confort di applicazione riducendo al minimo l’arrossamento da calore. BLACK WAX aderisce ai peli ma non alla pelle eliminando il dolore causato dal distaccamento della cera dall’epidermide. L’estrema elasticità permette di stendere il prodotto in strato molto sottile, garantendo un risparmio notevole di prodotto e di tempo.
Shellac Aqua

Shellac Aqua

Suitable for wooden surfaces indoors such as furniture or countertops. Shellac Aqua produces a transparent, exquisite coat.


Graisse anti-grippage pour assemblage fileté dans des conditions de corrosion sévères, vapeur d'eau, gaz. Facilitera le démontage des composants filetés dans les environnements humides et mouillés, par exemple les boulons, les écrous et les tringleries de frein. Peut être utilisé pour éviter le dénudage des écrous du collecteur d'échappement et d'autres applications à haute température. Résiste à l'eau.